I should feel hopeless more often, if it helps me accomplish so much! Here it is, a clip of our gig at Club Europa a little more than a week ago... This was our first time using the interactive technology I've been developing, and in retrospect I can smile and say it is a miracle that it worked half of the time and that I pulled off being both the techie and the performer. This piece is part of the second of three pieces we did. It's hard to see what's going on in the video, but the image is a live feed that is being transformed by the music, via Max/Jitter and a sensor system we've started developing. These are our baby steps, as far as all the technology is concerned!
FireFly is:
Ophra Wolf, movement; Lorenzo Sanguedolce, tenor sax; Chris DiMeglio, trumpet; Adam Lane, bass; Todd Capp, drums.
FireFly @ Club Europa from Ophra Wolf on Vimeo.