Dear Blog,
I have neglected you, forsaken you even. But I did not forget you, and here I am, over a year later with a lifetime's worth of transformation to account for my cocooning. The threads of my life are silky - strong and warm and beautiful, at once practical and decadent. And I, I am a butterfly in flight, in love again after heartbreak and mindbreak and gutbreak, revealing the fabric of space as I ride the gusts, showing off my colors and landing only to commune with that which is in bloom.
And there is continuity after all: the last post, that fateful bus ride to Chiang Mai, was the start of the unfolding of the rest of my life. No time to retrace the steps, the winds will carry the scents and memories of these past months far into the future, and they will weave their way into the stories to come.
Now there is a project to launch, a dance to fall into, a love and laughter of life to embrace us and bring us together again.