Jane's performance in the studio on Sunday was beautiful! The crowd was small, only six of us in the audience, but the energy in the space was warm and so fully engaged. It was exciting to see it come together! Jane came over at 5pm with a suitcase of cords, I pulled out our suitcase of cords and we began plugging in and putting up: we hung the projection screen for the first time, Lorenzo built a new shelf for the projector, we were even contemplating going surround sound, but projection problems gorged the remaining set-up time. We put the inspiration we were left with to good use, with a FireFly rehearsal right after the concert into which the projector, max patches and sensors found their way in... Here's a bit of Jane:
Jane Rigler @ PuLsEsTuDiO, 10/12/08 from Ophra Wolf on Vimeo.