My vision seems to be stronger and clearer since this morning. Maybe it is the beautiful Fall light. Danica's short Reiki session this morning is also contributing to the sense of clarity. In my eyes, that is - not quite so in regards to my day. Lorenzo has left for the mountains with only a short moment for goodbye. I hope he is safe and that he finds what he's looking for!
If Hamlet is no longer a viable play for our times, as Helen suggests, it is in part because the Ophelia's are no longer interested in committing suicide. Lorenzo is struggling with "to be or not to be" when from my perspective he simply is and frankly that's plenty for me. I love him so and hope he finds his way to a sense of his stature and greatness without too much fretting about who gets to be king. Meanwhile, I have my own path to clear, and though I am longing to drown myself in the stream of the shower head, the prospect of dampening my forward momentum is not one bit romantic.
We'll jump from one stream of Hamlet inspired thought to another. This next one was written in class on Monday night, as part of the assignment given us by the first group to present their Hamlet Machine piece. We were told to write everything we could remember about Hamlet. Later I was asked to speak a line of Ophelia's. I wrote this:
Everything you know about hamlet. Don’t start don’t start until after your line. Your video, dear Hamlet, your video calls to me from another dimension. Oh but it is flat, that dimension from wither it calleth me and I can not immerse myself within. This too too cruel world has imprisoned me on one side of a two dimensional screen and whether the further exists or not is not known.
Hamlet calleth from beyond – the within? The further? Or some other? She the other. She who spills her blood to stain the screen to see if it will seep in. Is there somewhere to seep into? Hit Hit Hit. Not yet further into the into. Prosperously delivered. Prosperously of. Silence. It pauses and continues from afar afar to the printer go. Hamlet is in jail. If so is she free to stand outside and observe? She must enter. Further along … you are as good as a chorus my lord.